Walking With Your Best Friend

My wife, Ann Marie, and I love to take walks.  We do it regularly and thanks to modern technology, we record our steps. Our goal, of course, is to fill all the rings on our Apple Watch.  While the walk is good for our physical health, it’s really great for our emotional health.  It gives us lots of time away to get some fresh air and share ideas, talk about family and more often than not…solve the world problems.  It’s therapeutic!  If you’re a walker, you know what I mean. 

There are times when the conversation goes smoothly and there are times when I might bring up a sore subject that doesn’t go over too well.  Sometimes I might even get or be the giver of the silent treatment.   But that’s okay.  We have to feel free to share our thoughts/feelings, explore new ideas and share concerns. 

My parents (Jake and Betty) loved to walk.  They just liked being together. No reason. No purpose. They just enjoyed being together, and to continue fueling the fire that brought them together in the first place.  They were artists. They were creative and curious.  The loved to explore and adventure.  It seemed wherever they wandered, they stumbled into something interesting, and always had a story to share upon their return. 

We all need to explore a little more.  Sometimes just for fun.  Sometimes for answers. Sometimes to solve world problems, and sometimes our own. Health issues or maybe just cooky dreams and ideas that might take us down new paths  If we don’t explore, try new things, meet new people, and go new places, we may never experience life to the fullest.

If Jake could have left us with one of the most healing remedies...if would have been to go for walks... and explore.  I think that’s something we can all drink to. Perhaps little drink of Jake’s StrongGinger Juice.     

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