Jake's StrongGinger Photo Contest

Jake loved Sheboygan County and he loved taking pictures!  We'd love for you to share your favorite pictures taken in Sheboygan County. You can take pictures of anything, anyone, any place you like.  It just has to be in Sheboygan County. 

Send your 10 best Sheboygan County pictures in a digital format to jake@jakesginger.com by Nov. 1, 2024.  Include “Jake’s Photo Contest” in subject line! Winner receives $1000 for usage rights.  

You will retain the rights and ownership of your photo.  You give Jake's international usage rights to your Sheboygan County photo in consideration of the $1000 prize. The winner will be announced in early December. Final judging of entries is done by a third party.

"Here's To Your Health"
